Vaibhav's Reading List

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Principles by Ray Dalio

book cover for Principles

Principles is about life principles and management principles, and how they can be used interchangeably.

Change by Design by Tim Brown

book cover for Principles

Change by Design lays out how problem-centric design thinking can create great products and opportunities.

How the Internet Happened by Brian McCullough

book cover for how internet happened

A fascinating collection of stories of how enterprising people brought the technology to the rest of the world through sheer determination, innovation, and problem solving. A must read for all present and future techpreneurs

The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck by Mark Manson

book cover of the subtle art of not giving a fuck

A hilariously written book on how one can make their lives easy and stressfree by understanding how to not get effected by the toxicity in our environment.

Sprint by Jake Knapp

book cover for Sprint

From three partners at Google Ventures, this is a unique and easy-to-follow five-day process for solving tough business problems and testing new ideas - proven at more than 100 companies. Sprint is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller.

The Cold Start Problem by Andrew Chen

book cover for the cold start problem

The Cold Start Problem is a guide to scaling your business from one of Silicon Valley's most-esteemed investors written by Andrew Chen, a partner at the pre-eminent VC firm Andreesen Horowitz.

The E-Myth Revisited by Micahel E. Gerber

book cover for the emyth revisited

E-Myth clears two myths about entrepreneurship: 1. the entrepreneurial myth: the myth that most people who start small businesses are entrepreneurs 2. the fatal assumption that an individual who understands the technical work of a business can successfully run a business that does that technical work

The Peter Principle by Dr. Lawrence J Peter and Raymong Hull

book cover for the peter principle

Why do we see so much incompetency around us, and is there a way organizations can make their people and procedures more competent? The Peter Principle, which eventually became the root for management research, answers both questions, in a colossally hilarious way. I promise you won't stop laughing and learning on each page of the book.

The YouTube Formula by Derral Eves

book cover for the youtube formula

Derral Eves has generated over 60 billion views on YouTube and helped 24 channels grow to one million subscribers from zero. In The YouTube Formula: How Anyone Can Unlock the Algorithm to Drive Views, Build an Audience, and Grow Revenue, the owner of the largest YouTube how-to channel provides the secrets to getting the results that every YouTube creator and strategist wants.

Bullshit Jobs: A Theory by David Graeber

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Huge swathes of people spend their days performing tasks they secretly believe are not really necessary. This book shows why, and what we can do about it

Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari

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What makes us brilliant? What makes us deadly? What makes us Sapiens? Yuval Noah Harari challenges everything we know about being human. Earth is 4.5 billion years old. In just a fraction of that time, one species among countless others has conquered it- us. In this bold and provocative book, Yuval Noah Harari explores who we are, how we got here and where we're going.

Humans: A Brief History of How We Fucked It All Up by Tom Phillips

book cover for humans now we fucked it all up

From Chairman Mao's Four Pests Campaign, to the American Dustbowl; from the Austrian army attacking itself one drunken night, to the world's leading superpower electing a reality TV mogul as President... it's pretty safe to say that, as a species, we haven't exactly grown wiser with age. So, next time you think you've really f*cked up, this book will remind you: it could be so much worse...

The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins

book cover for the selfish gene

As influential today as when it was first published, The Selfish Gene has become a classic exposition of evolutionary thought. Professor Dawkins articulates a gene's eye view of evolution - a view giving centre stage to these persistent units of information, and in which organisms can be seen as vehicles for their replication. This imaginative, powerful, and stylistically brilliant work not only brought the insights of Neo-Darwinism to a wide audience, but galvanized the biology community, generating much debate and stimulating whole new areas of research. Forty years later, its insights remain as relevant today as on the day it was published.

Paradox: The Nine Greatest Enigmas in Physics by Jim Al-Khalili

book cover for the selfish gene

How does the fact that it gets dark at night prove the Universe must have started with a big bang? Where are all the aliens? Why does the length of a piece of string vary depending on how fast it is moving? Jim Al-Khalili is about to untangle the world's greatest science conundrums...

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